Physical Education Project On Basketball


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Physical Education Project on


Submitted By: Submitted To:MR./MS. ______________ MR. Naresh ThombareClass: _____________ (Physical Ed. Teacher)Roll Number: _____ CERTIFICATE

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ______________ student of class X11th (Science) has successfully completed the project on Basketball under the guidance ofMr. Naresh Thombare during the academic year of 2021-22 on the partial fulfilmentof physical education assignment conducted by CBSE.

Signature Of Candidate Signature Of Teacher

Signature Of Principal Signature Of External Acknowledgement

I would like to thank my teacher Mr. Naresh sir for guiding me through this project and for their valuable inputs which provide me with a constant nudge for improvement.

It is imperative to thank our principal, Ms. Preetika Das for providing me the opportunity to work on this project.

It goes without saying that my parents have also helped me in this project. My thanks also goes to them also.

This project and reading up on the same has providedme with an in depth and understanding of the topic. Ithas nurtured my scientific temperament and curiosity. Index

1. History of the Game2. Invention of the Game3. Rules4. Field & Measurement5. Terminologies6. Warm Up Activities & Stretching7. Fundamental Skill8. How to treat Basketball Injuries9. How to prevent Basketball Injuries10. Tournaments11. Important Personalities History Of Basketball

The history of basketball began with its invention in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts by Canadianphysical education instructor James Naismith as a less injury-prone sport than football.

The game became established fairly quickly, verypopular as the 20th century progressed, first in America and then throughout the world.

After basketball became established in Americancolleges, the professional game followed; the AmericanNational Basketball Association (NBA), established in 1949, grew to a multi-billion-dollar enterprise by the end of the century, and basketball became an integral part of American culture. Invention Of the Game

The game of Basketball, as we know it today was created by Dr. James Naismith in December 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts to condition young athletes during the cold.

It consisted of peach baskets and a soccer style ball. Hepublished 13 rules for the new game. He divided his class of18 into two teams of nine players each and set about to teach them the basics of his new game.

The objective of the game was to throw the basketball into the fruit baskets nailed to the lower railing of the gym balcony.

Every time a point was scored, the game was halted so thejanitor could bring out a ladder and retrieve the ball. After a while, the bottoms of the fruit baskets were removed. The first public basketball game was played in Springfield, Massachusetts, on March 11, 1892. Original Rules 1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.

2. The ball be batted in any direction with one or both hands.

3. A player cannot run with the ball, the player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball when running at good speed.

4. The ball must be held in or between the hands, the arms or body must not be used for holding it.

5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed. The first infringement of this rule by any person shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute.

6. A foul is striking the ball with the fist, violation of rules 3 and 4, and such as described in rule 5.

7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall count a goal for opponents.

8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from grounds into the basket and stays there if the ball rests on the edge and the opponent moves the basket it shall count as a goal.

9. When the ball goes out of bounds it shall be thrown into the field and played by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The "thrower-in" is allowed five seconds. If he holds it longer it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on them. 10. The umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall note the fouls, and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made.

11. The referee shall be the judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in-bounds, and to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.

12. The time shall be fifteen-minute halves, with five- minute rests between.

13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In the case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made. Field and Measurement

Basketball Sizes Size Circumferenc Recommended For e Size 7 29.5 Men and Boys Ages 15 and UP Size 6 28.5 Boys Ages 12-14. Women ages 12-UP Size 5 27.5 Boys and Girls age 9-11 Size 4 25.5 Boys and Girls age 5-8 Size 3 22 Boys and Girls age 4-8 Size 1 16 Boys and Girls age 2-4Nerf Toy 9-20 Great For Toddlers 0-4 Years Old

Field Dimensions Terminologies

 Backboard - The rectangular piece of wood or fiberglass that the rim attaches to.

 Bench - The substitute basketball players.

 Blocked Shot - When a defensive basketball player makes contact with the basketball while another player is shooting the ball.

 Bounce Pass - In this pass, the basketball bounces about two-thirds of the way from the passer to the receiver.

 Charging - An offensive foul, which occurs when an offensive player runs into a defender who has established position.

 Dunk - A shot in which a jumping player slams the ball down into the opponent's basket from above.  Foul - Actions by players, which break the rules but are not floor violations.

 Jump shot - Field-goal attempt by a player with both feet off the floor, enabling the player to shoot over the defender.

 Rebound - A term used to describe the actual retrieving of the ball as it rebounds from the backboard or the ring after a missed shot. Warm Up Activities & Stretching

We start with the specific exercise down one side of thecourt and jog out the rest of the lap to really warm-up.

1. Dynamic Warm-Up - High knee pulls, lunges, high knees, power skips, high knees, reverse knee pulls.

2. Stretch Lines - Arm circles forward and back, shoulder stretch, ins and outs with arms straight at the elbow, hanging hamstring stretch, toe grabber ham-string stretch, seated right arm/left leg sit and reach and reverse, right and left leg sit and reach with both hands and knee bent, both legs straight out sit and reach, groin stretch, standing splits and 25 old fashioned jumping jacks. At the end of this stretch and warm-up your basketball players should be warm and ready to go.

Fundamental Skill

1. Dribbling - Dribbling is an important skill for all basketball players. This skill will allow you to move up and down the court, maneuver past defenders and execute plays. Proper dribbling requires ball-handling skills and knowledge of how to spread your fingers for ball control.

2. Shooting - In order to score points in basketball, you need to shoot the ball into the hoop. This requires the ability to properly hold and throw the ball into the air toward the basket while avoiding defenders.

3. Running - Running is a big part of basketball. In a full-court game, you will find yourself running back and forth as the game quickly transitionsbetween offense and defense. 4. Passing - Passing is another skill that when mastered can help you become a complete basketball player. Basketball is a team sport that involves finding a teammate who is open for a shot.

5. Jumping - Jumping is another skill that can define how good a basketball player is. Jumping is involved in offense during the jump ball in the beginning, while taking shots and sometimes while trying to catch a pass. How To Treat Basketball Injuries

1. Ankle Sprains - Treatment for an ankle sprain involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). The need for X-rays and evaluation by a physician is determined on a case-by-case basis and depends on the severity and location of pain. Pain and swelling over the bone itself may need further evaluation. An injury to the ankle in a child who is still growing could represent a simple sprain or could be the result of an injury to the growth plates located around the ankle and should be evaluated by a physician.

2. Deep Thigh Bruising - Treatment includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Commercially available girdles with thigh pads are now available for protection. 3. Knee Injuries - Basketball requires extensive stop and go and cutting maneuvers which can put the ligaments and menisci of the knee at risk. Injury to the medial collateral ligament is most common following a blow to the outside of the knee and can be often be treated with ice, bracing and a gradual return to activity.

4. Jammed Fingers - Jammed fingers occur when the ball contacts the end of the finger and causes significant swelling of a single joint. Application of ice and buddy taping the finger to the adjacent finger may provide some relief and allow the athlete to return to play. If pain and swelling persist, evaluation by a physician or athletic trainer is recommended and an x-ray of the finger may be needed.

5. Stress Fractures - Stress fractures can occur from a rapid increase in activity level or training or from overtraining. Stress fractures in basketball most commonly occur the foot and lower leg (tibia). Once diagnosed, a period of immobilization and non-weight bearing is recommended. Return to play is permitted once the fracture has completely healed and the athlete is pain free.

6. Facial Cuts - Depending on the depth of the injury, the cut may require stitches or a "butterfly" sterile tape. Ice may provide pain relief and decrease swelling. Players can return to play after all blood is removed and the wound is dressed. How To Prevent Basketball Injuries

1. Have a pre-season physical examination and follow your doctor's recommendations for basketball injury prevention.

2. Hydrate adequately - waiting until you are thirsty is often too late to hydrate properly.

3. Pay attention to environmental recommendations, especially in relation to excessively hot and humid weather, to help avoid heat illness.

4. Maintain proper fitness - injury rates are higher in athletes who have not adequately prepared physically. 5. The athlete should return to play only when clearance is granted by a health care professional.

6. After a period of inactivity, progress gradually back to full contact basketball through activities such as aerobic conditioning, strength training, and agility training.

7. Avoid overuse injuries - more is not always better! Many sports medicine specialists believe that it is beneficial to take at least one season off each year. Try to avoid the pressure that is now exerted on many young athletes to over-train. Listen to your body and decrease training time and intensity if pain or discomfort develops. This will reduce the risk of injury and help avoid "burn-out."

8. Talk with your coach and/or athletic trainer about an ACL injury prevention program and incorporating training principles into team warm- ups. Tournaments

 Top Tournaments:  Basketball World Cup  Olympic Games

 American Tournaments:  NBA  Argentine League LNB

 European Tournaments:  Euroleague  Italian League  Spanish ACB League

 National Teams Tournaments:  European Championships  South American Championships

Important Personalities

1. Michael Jordan2. Wilt Chamberlain3. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar4. Bill Russell5. Satnam Singh Bhamara6. Larry Bird7. Tim Duncan8. Oscar Robertson9. Shaquille O'Neal10. Hakeem Olajuwon